We Are The Laughing Stock Of The World

Why do we do things like this, why is it that Kansas and other states just cant get over the fact that you cant teach religion in science class. Why does Kansas feel the need to inject religious faith into the classroom? Why stop at the Christian faith, why not throw in every religion in the world. Hell lets toss in one i just made up, here is how it goes. The great lord Kudu, ruler of the universe, stopped in our solar system 40000 years ago, and took a giant galactic shit, this shit hardened into what we now call the earth. Lets teach that in science class. You think its rather foolish? Well we have just as much proof for that little theory as we do for any other religions ideas. Bah.

Dumb Kansas

One thought on “We Are The Laughing Stock Of The World”

  1. lmao – well why not throw in a little of my own religion here, since we’re on the topic of it… K, so this guy was around way the fuck before God or Buddha, Jesus or Allah even existed… Moloch didn’t even exist at this point… This guy named Jamez Rerdy decides that ‘god’ or any form of a ‘god’ is imaginary… like a figure to look up to when time goes rough… This ‘figure’ will be the guide and will lead millions (if not billions) of people into believing there is “something” to watch over us. What it REALLY is, is a false imagination of something you wish was there, that isn’t anymore in your life – like a parent, or a mentor… either way, its something above you (teacher, parent, boss, landlord, the government, whatever) that isn’t there anymore, so you turn to this ‘holiness’ you imagine… now you have a false belief that an imaginary figure (your school friend bob, which never existed) is now someone you worship :). There’s fuckin religion for u in a nutshell! Let’s teach THAT in a fuckin classroom – name one schoolboard that would allow something like the truth to be told? – didn’t think so…

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