Naked People More Important Than Poor People

Its good to know that with a war in Iraq costing us billions, a deficit that could top 400 billion, katrina clean up that could top 200 billion, and wide sweeping problems like poverty, homelessness, crappy schools (just look at my spelling), and the environment, we still have time to fight a war on porn. God bless America. But seriously its only a matter of time before anyone who doesnt agree with “big brother” is arrested for obscenity, or terrorism. I mean if the government takes away our right to be filthy perverts, whats next your right to say FUCK YOU BUSH! (< - if you only click one link in this whole post make it that one, you will need quicktime) or FUCK YOU! at all.

One thought on “Naked People More Important Than Poor People”

  1. Are you honestly surprised at this? REALLY? The level of idiocy in world politics keeps hitting new heights and Georgie Boy is leading the way. Actually its not George – its those who run him. George is just the puppet/figure head who was installed through the least democratic of means, we all know that. Clinton, after his term in office openly stated that by the time the questions or issues got to him the decision has been made. He just needed to announce it as he was told.
    George is stupid and he doesn’t care who knows it. His latest moronic move to deny the fair pay rule in New Orleans and give the contractors a big fat raise is nothing more than an open faced slap to the people and the democratic system. George wants to westernize the middle east too! Yes, and the buyers are lining up…..

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