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Ocean Acidification: Climate Change Impacts On Ocean Ecosystems

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg NCSE talk from John Bruno on Vimeo.


Ocean acidification is a lesser known, but still very important result of increasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

Climate denialists rarely do two things. They don’t dispute that human beings are causing the level of carbon in the atmosphere to rise, and they rarely talk about ocean acidification. The reason for both is that they are pretty damn hard to deny. Both are easily measurable and both are backed up by very sound science.

Even if you don’t think adding more carbon to the air is a problem, adding more carbon to the oceans is a massive problem. One that could put a lot of people out of a job, and one that could end up killing a lot of human beings. A large part of the world relies on healthy oceans for their main source of protean. Not to mention that the ocean ecosystem produces most of the oxygen on this planet.

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