Tag Archives: fuck the republicans

Trump Watch March 27 2018

Day 414:

Robber Barrons

Tax the rich, or eat the rich, let the rich decide.

Further Reading:

Thomas Piketty says Bernie Sanders’ electoral strategy is the way to beat back the right. New paper explores how both parties were captured by the “elite,” leaving a politically rudderless underclass

The Breitbartization of Fox News

UPDATE: New Indiana law requires all doctors to quiz women about their past abortions

Linda Brown, who as a Kansas girl was at the center of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down racial segregation in schools, has died at age 76

A newly discovered network of fluid-filled channels in the human body may be a previously-unknown organ, and it seems to help transport cancer cells around the body.

New bill wants to give employees the right to not respond to after-hours emails

Virginia GOP dumps leader who claimed only Christians are fit to run for office

As Scott Pruitt Flies First Class, EPA Barely Gets Off The Ground | Apparently, allowing children with asthma to miss additional days of school is acceptable, but we cannot afford to sacrifice the EPA administrator’s premium in-flight entertainment.

Doctored image shows Parkland school shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez ripping up the US Constitution

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower reveals shocking claim his predecessor was poisoned and police bribed

Treasury secretary asserts Congress can override Supreme Court’s line-item veto ruling; Fox News host corrects him

California sues Trump administration over decision to add citizenship question to census

Two more lawyers declined offers to join Trump legal team

Trump Can’t Find A Lawyer And Tweeters Think It’s Hilarious

Kushner lawyer: WH counsel has concluded no issues involving Jared amid loan probe

Whistleblower says Canadian company worked on software to find Republican voters

Former Supreme Court justice: ‘Repeal the Second Amendment’

Yes, You Can Indict the President

DeVos touts Trump plan to arm school staff

Judge: Trump Admin. Must Consider Climate Change in Major Drilling and Mining Lease Plan

Obama wrote letter to parents of Parkland teacher killed in shooting

Trump has played his supporters for suckers

More white evangelicals believe Stormy Daniels, and that could have some long-term implications

Trump talks tough. But his toughness is phony, just like everything else about him

Are Wisconsin GOPers Blocking Elections To Protect Their Gerrymander? (yes, they are)

Mike Pence Silent On Stormy Daniels Saga Despite Refusing To Dine Alone With Any Woman Who Isn’t His Wife

US Rep. Ron DeSantis, a candidate for Florida governor, is denying Cambridge Analytica helped him in any of his campaigns despite one of Cambridge Analytica’s directors being named as part of DeSantis’ finance leadership team last December

California AG to sue Trump administration over census citizenship question

Palantir worked with Cambridge Analytica on the Facebook data it acquired, whistleblower alleges

Trump Talks of Bringing Back Rob Porter, Aide Accused of Spousal Abuse

Stormy Daniels sues Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for defamation

Stephen Colbert advises John Kelly to spank President Trump to encourage ‘more appropriate’ behavior

Nevada lawmaker: ‘Rumor mill’ says Ryan headed for exit

Paul Ryan Should Be Safe in November. He Isn’t.


Tools of change:

Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit? Want to do something about it?

Calling your government representative:

Call your Senator
Call your House Rep (Or use this spreadsheet)
Call your Governor
Call your Attorney General
Or try this website
Fax Congress here (free!)

You can also use 5Calls.org if you are having a hard time figuring out what to say.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump. You can also call other states congress people and threaten to donate to their opponent if they don’t do what you want.

Phone Bank for Progressive Candidates:


Call the White House:


Call the “White House”:

Use this website to call one of Trump’s many properties he has not put into a blind trust yet, and let them know how you feel (be polite, they are workers just like us, but be firm).

Do a little Slacktivism:

Send Some Text Messages for progressive causes (I know it says textforbernie, but its for a range of progressive candidates) Or you can have your texts turned into faxes by the ResistBot

Go to a town hall and talk to your congress person in person:

Check when the next town hall is here

Monitor your congressperson:

Keep track of how your senator is voting on cabinet picks here, so you can call them up and give them hell if they vote for any of these worthless fuckers.

See how your elected representatives are voting for or against Trump.


Also be sure to keep track if you live in a district with an upcoming flip-able seat (flip to the left that is)

See if you have a special election in your area!

Is your mayor up for election? Find out, get involved!

Upcoming house votes:


Upcoming senate bills:


Monitor Trumps Conflict of Interests:

From CNN of all people.

The Atlantic

General Guides:

Guidelines by former Congress staffers on how to get Congress to listen. https://www.indivisibleguide.com/

Run For Office!:

Want to run for office in your area to fight back, check this out for positions that are open in your area, how to register, and what you need to do to win office!

Remove the Corporate Democrats!:

Join the fight to clean out the democratic party: Justice Democrats!

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