Tag Archives: debate

How Disinformation Spreads About Science

It’s clear that in the age of rapid echoing of fluff all over the internet that the truth is often playing catch up with the lies. The same happens on cable news shows where two “experts” are put on to give “both sides” of an issue.

As Dawkins points out, “both sides” do not each carry the same validity. It is important for people to be armed with good critical thinking skills or else they may think that both sides are valid and that there is some debate, when in fact these things are not under any real debate at all. The debate is fabricated by people with an agenda.

or to put it another way.

Get in the sack…

Here is a perfect example of a horrible set up. One of my favorite people, Bill Nye (the science guy) walks right into a trap on fox news debating someone who barely can control their temper, let alone contribute anything real to science.

It is embarrassing that the global warming denier gets full screen graphics, and lots of time to talk, while poor Bill is forced to hold up barely readable bits of paper and doesn’t have enough time to fully explain the bits of evidence he has brought along. I know he wanted to put right the facts on global warming, but by going on fox and agreeing to “debate” he really just makes it easier for the anti-science crowd to continue with their flim flam.

I wouldn’t be as concerned about these sort of things except for the fact that global warming has the potential to seriously (and negatively) impact the ecosystems that we rely upon for survival. To be clear I don’t think the world is going to end, I think humanity is in danger.