Tag Archives: China

Handing the Reins Of Leadership To China

At the Copenhagen climate talks last year American diplomats made a big push to get China to take actions on reducing their emissions and cleaning up their act.

China, led mostly by scientists and engineers, took a look at the problem and agreed. China has moved full steam ahead on renewable energy, efficiency, public transportation, and research and development of new clean technologies.

This year at the Cancun climate talks America, led mostly by lawyers and idiots professional politicians, is being urged by China to catch up. American politics have ground to a halt when it comes to renewable energy tax credits, a climate change bill, cape and trade, and a whole host of other climate related policies.

“It used to be thought that China wouldn’t act until the U.S. took leadership,” Mark Fulton, a managing director at Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisors in New York, said in an interview. “But unless I’ve missed something, China has already taken substantial action.”

Since then, U.S. President Barack Obama’s effort to win legislation that would cap carbon dioxide emissions died in Congress. China moved in the opposite direction, making pollution cuts and energy efficiency the law and considering a CO2-trading system.

China attracted $34.5 billion in renewable-energy investments last year, almost double the U.S. figure of $18.6 billion, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. (via)

China isn’t going to have to take away our title as world leader, we are going to hand it to them on a silver platter. China is going to have a thriving growing economy based largely on renewable energy and efficiency, manufacturing of high tech equipment, a high speed train system to rival anywhere on earth, and a political leadership, that while oppressive, gets things done.

Meanwhile we stagnate in America arguing over weather gay people should be allowed to die for this country. We teach people creationism in school, deny basic science, and allow huge companies to buy and pay for as many politicians as they want. Frankly I am starting to believe that Americans are getting exactly what they deserve.

Its time to collectively wake up as a nation. It is not too late to still save this nation from its own Hubris. With the Democratic party full of spineless cowards, and the Republican party filled with corporate science-denial zombies, the task will be herculean.

But what is the alternative? Allow our nation to denigrate into a dirty backwater full of jobless yokels? I for one will be working hard over the next couple years to support politicians that support science, that understand the our future will be based on clean technology, that promote public transportation, and that care more about this country than they do about donations from dirty energy companies. Are you with me?