The People In Charge Of Our Nation Are Morons

So try to imagine for a second that you are George W. Bush. You are a moron…in the last couple weeks you have fucked up, fucked up bad. You showed the nation that you dont care about anything but making war, and vacation. You lack of concern about global warming, poverty, and how the two cause terrorism has led you to have the lowest approval numbers of your time as president. Now you let FEMA propose the creation of the worlds largest ghetto.

Soon after the hurricane struck, FEMA officials said they ordered 125,000 mobile homes and travel trailers in a rush, and manufacturers starting shipping off those they had already made.

That’s right, bush wants to gather some 125 thousand trailers and put them together. As a person from the Midwest i can tell you nothing attracts tornados better than a bunch of trailers. But aside from the shoddy living conditions, imagine what kind of effect this will have. With almost a million poor people in one spot you are going to have one of the largest collection of poverty in America. With no property taxes, you will get bad schools, with no city services, no sewer, no police, no fire, you will have people dieing. What the fuck is the matter with people, don’t take people who have lost everything and combine them all together so they can amplify their misery. Is this a plan by the government to move the poor out so that they can more easily use imminent domain laws to steal the poor’s land and rebuild the city better for the rich? Who knows? But it stinks. It took days for FEMA to get to New Orleans but they were ordering these trailers the day after the storm struck? Fishy, you bet. It is my firm opinion that George Bush will go down in history as one of THE WORST president in our entire history. The man infuriates me, his government so lately he is channeling FDR and Lyndon Johnson, because it makes good sound bytes. What the fuck, for the last 25 years (my entire life) we have been dominated by right wing politics. Stand up people, take the wool off your eyes, these problems facing the poor of our nation are not old problems. Slavery did not cause these problems; these problems are caused by things that are happening every single day in modern 2005 America. You and I have idly stood by while our country is being run down the shit hole by a pack of money hungry assholes. STAND UP, FIGHT BACK, we have to get so angry, so active, so mobilized, that we change the whole world. We need to vote, to boycott, vote with our dollars, make choices that will change the world.

The voice of The Sietch community