I Always Liked The Mad Max Movies…

So lately I have been thinking we are just fucked…you know goodbye humans, hasta la vista species… If you arn’t into clicking on links let me give you the skinny, artic sea ice is melting and melting fast. The northern hemispheres main heat sink is going bye bye. When its gone, all global warming dooms day senarios are go for launch. Its harder to keep alive the smarter you get, and damn it we are just getting too smart for our own good. Its time to calm the fuck down, and get back to a simpler life. If not we are about to take one hell of a time out dished out by nature. Not that it would matter but if Rita hits the gulf oil areas again with the same force katrina did…well lets just say anyone who owns a hummer should probly start selling your body on the street for gas money. New Orleans can only take a 3 foot storm surge, Rita will almost certainly have that…And an allready weak city will get the knock out punch. We will have almost a million people that are permanently without a place to move back to. A modern diaspera of epic proportions. So do you think people will finaly wake up and rise up? Maybe we should impeach our entire government, from the top to the bottom, for crimes against humanity. A massive world wide revolt against buisness as usual…it seems as if its the only thing that is going to get us through this.

The voice of The Sietch community