Category Archives: Tools

How To Investigate Greenwash

The Unsuitablog has gone to the next level, with a major article to help all aspiring greenwash investigators get far more information out of environmental liars that they ever thought possible. The article has a host of useful information on preparation, “casing the joint” and carrying out The Sting, including lots of useful tools and techniques.

Greenwashers don’t want to be exposed; exposure is dangerous because they no longer control the message, and if they cannot control the message then they cannot control what people think and do. My job, as the author of The Unsuitablog is to wrest control of the message from the greenwashers, and free us from the lies that are relentlessly paraded before us. In the light of truth, we are free to make our own minds up, rather than being made to see these purveyors of harm in the way they would like us to see them.

I want you to be able to do this as well: not only recognising the hypocrisy and the greenwash, but taking part in exposing the liars for yourself. It’s not always easy, but with a bit of help we can really take them on.

Critical to the act of Exposure, however you do it, is Investigation. Without investigation you have little or nothing to back up any claims you make, nor will you be sure of the accuracy of the information you present. Investigation is also critical because it can often lead to the discovery of far worse things than you may have initially expected, giving your effort far more justification, and potentially preventing extremely destructive activities. Feel free to, like I sometimes to, have a cheap shot at your Target, but if you want to do something really worthwhile, you need to investigate.

So, come over to The Unsuitablog, and read the entire article.

You never know, it may be you that exposes the next great environmental crime.