Category Archives: This Is Not Normal

This Is Not Normal,This Is Not OK! :Day 7

The first week done, and the Trump team is taking no break in trying to fundamentally change what it means to be American for the worse.  They are not resting and neither should we.

Trumps Actions Today:

Trump’s blatant over the top corruption has gotten our democracy rating downgraded…  I mean…damn.


U.S. Border agents are forcing Muslim AMERICAN CITIZENS to hand over their social media accounts, and phone passwords.

In this day and age is there anything more personal than forcing someone to give you their phone so you can look through all their texts/pictures/etc?  Horrific.  (ps.  this policy started under Obama, and was only for non-american citizens, but Trump is now using it on American’s, thanks Obama)


Every lie has a reason.  Trump’s lies about illegal immigrants voting for Clinton are so that he can use Republican style voter rules on a national level…but oh look, he only seems to be targeting blue states.  This is a serious threat to democracy here.  When you take away peoples ability to make change through peaceful voting they start taking other less peaceful options to make change.  As MLK said, in the final analysis the language of riots is the language of a population not being heard.


The keystone pipeline would only create 35 permanent jobs.  Don’t believe the lies.


Everyone likes hypocrisy right?  Like the fact that the Tump’s clothing is made overseas, even though they went on and on about American jobs being more important, their entire team seems to have private emails, even though they all got mad at Hillary for that.


Trump had said he wouldn’t make new deals, he is making new deals.  In fact as a general rule every thing he says should be considered a promise to do the opposite.


Even Trump’s cabinet picks are raging misogynists.   His pick for budget secretary didn’t pay taxes on the nanny because he didn’t consider it “real work.”  Sleazy, tax dodging, and women hating…The trifecta!


In his first interview, Donald Trump lets us all know that he lives in an alternate reality, with alternate facts.  Also known as bullshit ideas, with bullshit information to back them up.

Watch him claim torture works, watch him lie endlessly, watch him state that he is going to violate the constitution.  Watch him crank the insane all the way up.


Here is what the resistance has been up to.  They need your help!


Congress is trying to take the ability to start instant nuclear war away from Trump.  Because people like him shouldn’t ever be given thermonuclear weapons…perhaps a call to your congress people is in order to help them support this bill.


Who knew it would be the park service that starts the resistance to trump in the government!  Death valley has joined with the Bad Lands, and now NASA,  to fight trump with science and historically accurate facts!  Re-tweet them, share them on facebook, go visit the parks!  Call them up and tell them how much you love what they are doing.


A giant “RESIST” banner has been hung outside the white house.  Thanks green peace, I hope your agents got away clean and are not facing punitive lawsuits from the Trump cronies.


Not to be left out, scientists and LGBT folks are also planning huge protest marches!  Nothing would make me happier than to see a protest outside the Whitehorse every single day of Trumps term.


Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit?  Want to do something about it?  Call your Senator, and your House Rep. and tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump.