Category Archives: This Is Not Normal

This Is Not Normal,This Is Not OK! :Day 9

Its the weekend, go outside, make yourself some tea, and recharge your batteries. Then when you have taken care of yourself, plow back in!

Because Trump is a motherfucker, and we can’t let him get away with this!

This is what Trump is messing up today:

Trump has banned a bunch of countries and people from coming to this country (stranding some in the airport), but somehow managed to avoid banning any of the countries or people he has business ties to.  Me thinks his ban on refugees and immigrants is just like everything else he does, really more about enriching him and his cronies, and not about America at all.  By the way, people with actual green cards are also being turned away.  These are people who are legally allowed to be in the country, and are most likely being separated from their spouses and children.  You have a much higher chance of being killed by the cops than by an undocumented (or documented) immigrant, so I am not all that sure why this ban is happening in the first place.


Trump thinks the New York Times is fake news.  Step one in building a dictatorship is to make sure you discredit anyone who would speak out against you.


Trumps supporters have swallowed too much of the Koolaid to know fact from fiction…Even when they have the proof right in front of their faces.  What this means is that its going to take a lot of work to get them to turn against Trump, and turn against him they must, because he will have no problem throwing his own supporters under the bus when the time comes to make a dollar off them.


Republicans are passing laws all over the country making protest illegal.  THIS CAN NOT BE ALLOWED.  This is a clear violation of our 1st amendment rights.  If you live in one of these states your state government needs to know that you are 100% against this.  Call, vote, lobby, show up in their office, protest (while its still legal).  Don’t let them get away with this.


Join the resistance!

Has your corporate sellout democratic senator been voting for Trump’s cabinet choices?  Because the Dem’s changed the rules under Obama so that you don’t need 60 votes to confirm cabinet appointees, the 48 Dem’s could all vote against every cabinet choice and they would all still go through.  So I don’t  understand why they all wouldn’t vote as a block against every single one of them.  They could take this chance to show the world that they are going to stand up and fight, and instead they are rolling over.

Check the list, if your senator is on the list and has voted for any of these criminals, call them up and let them know you are pissed.  Everyone else is, and its working!


The smart people are fighting Trump.  Be one of them, call your local elected official and demand they stand up to Trump, or be voted out at the next election.


Obama’s daughter is doing more than Obama ever did to fight against DAPL and KeystoneXL!  The kids are alright!


Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit?  Want to do something about it?  Call your Senator, and your House Rep. and tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump.

Use this awesome website to call one of Trump’s many properties he has not put into a blind trust yet, and let them know how you feel (be polite, they are workers just like us, but be firm).  You can also use if you are having a hard time figuring out what to say.

Keep track of how your senator is voting on cabinet picks here, so you can call them up and give them hell if they vote for any of these worthless fuckers.