Category Archives: This Is Not Normal

This Is Not Normal,This Is Not OK! :Day 15

Half a month in…and things are only getting worse.  History will judge us by our fortitude.  We must not rest, we must fight!

Here is what we must fight Trump on today:

If you can’t find a good reason to make everyone scared, just make one up.  Kelly Ann Conway just invented a terrorist attack.  Why you might ask, aren’t they talking about the terror attack that Trump himself inspired in Canada?  Sean Spicer is not above making up fake attacks as well, it’s almost like they are trying to get us into another Iraq war, only this time with Iran

The emperor has no clothing, if we learned anything from 9/11 (and world war 2 for that matter) is don’t give up all your freedom’s the moment this country is attacked.   Instead double down on freedom and open society, its the only thing that will defeat terrorism in the long run.  (we might also want to stop dropping bombs on every country in the region, everyone is up in arms about the Muslim ban, but didn’t seem to have any problem with us dropping bombs on them for 8 years).


The White House can’t even secure it’s own website…this doesn’t raise confidence in their ability to secure our borders.


Because the republicans are a wholly owned subsidiary of the Gun Death For Money Lobby they just voted to allow mentally ill people to buy guns…what the fuck.  How many more mass shootings by mentally ill people do we need to have?


Trump didn’t think through his raid on Yemen (one might even go so far as to say America, and by extension Obama, didn’t think Bombing Yemen through), and now innocent civilians and US military are both dead.


Trump is still destroying the dollar…against only something to worry about if you get paid in dollars.  Maybe it will get toughened up by the global trade war Trump is about to start.



Seems Trump can’t handle the job.  His own staff is leaking things at historic rates, people who know him say the job will be bad for Trumps mental health, he can’t stand the President Bannon thing (so we should keep doing it!), seems he is falling apart and its not even been three weeks.  In short this man is a mess, and will continue to thrash wildly as every billionaire in the country rushes to jam their hand up his ass to operate this president like a the dummy he is.


Remember when the Trump family said they would divest of their interests, well Trump and Ivanka still have not done that.

And now the senate just voted to remove the law that says that oil companies must report when they give money to foreign governments…I can’t think of a single reason why giant oil companies (who just got their CEO inserted as the head of the State Department) wouldn’t want to tell the government about its payments bribes  to other countries.  This will allow them to take your tax dollars, and bribe their way to billions in other countries, while at the same time destroying the planet, and making many peoples lives miserable.   The bill is going to Trump to sign into law soon.  They are working hard to waste 100’s of millions of tax payers money, while still ruining the environment, and enriching oil companies.


Remember Russia, well its all anyone can talk about.  But is it the real issue?  Or is the real issue all the financial ties the president has not disclosed to this and other shady governments.  I still can’t tell if this whole Russian thing is a ruse by the CIA, the normal Russian nonsense that has been going on for decades, or (most likely) Putin masterfully working our stupid president to gain advantage and make money.


There is a dress code in the white house…its 2017 and there is a female-centric dress code.  Jesus.


Trump has cut funding to fight white nationalists…you know like his top adviser Bannon, guess the program was hitting a little too close to home.  He also tried to fire all the AG’s…I think this is part of his inner circles plan to concentrate power at the White House.  We can’t let this become a soft coup.


John McCain was forced to call up and smooth things over with Australia…its like a bad movie.  “Sorry our president was sleepy, and you know how he is when he is sleepy…”


The Resistance Never Sleeps!

This young man asked an amazing question, and got a pandering stupid answer.  I recommend everyone read Listen Liberal, so you can get a good historical sense of how we ended up with both parties working for the rich in this country.  Corporate Dem’s have got to go!


North Carolina senators want to know what you think of Betsy DeVos…why don’t you call them up and let them know (she is only one vote away from being denied).


Dems are starting the fight early to reclaim the house, these seats must be filled by Justice Democrats!  No more corporate democrats in congress.  Get out there and help a progressive run for office.  Find a local progressive running for office, volunteer, donate, run for office yourself, especially if you are a woman!


Just look at this picture.  This is the vice prime minister of Sweden signing a climate bill into law.  A picture is worth 1000 words, and those 100 words are just “FUCK TRUMP” all the way down the page.


The fight is not over, but the stupid republicans in congress heard our fury and have temporarily stopped trying to sell off our public lands to the lowest fracker.  Keep calling them, its the only thing that scares them!


Currently about 40% of america wants to impeach trump…we can get that higher!  Talk to your friends and family about impeaching Trump, casually mention it at work, write a facebook post about how its probably time we kick him out of office.  We need to saturate the public’s mind that this is actually a real option, then we need to get all those people to make their congress person make it a reality.


Boycotts on Trump friendly business seems to be working!  Keep fucking them over in the only way they care about, financially!  If you find a company getting cozy with Trump, or one of his cronies, boycott it, let everyone know you don’t support it, and that you don’t support it because its being friendly to Trump, call them up and tell them, tweet at them, facebook post about them, the full court press.  This includes you Elon!  Stop working with Trump!


watch MSNBC with a huge grain of salt.  But she is not wrong, teaparty tactics will and do work.

You can watch Bernie fight for health care on TV!  Now that the corporate media has made a lot of money screwing the primary in favor of the two worst candidates in american history, they seem super at ease with allowing Bernie to get air time.  Oh the Irony.  Corporate media is part of the problem.

We can’t let the Corporate Dem’s win control of the DNC, call up your senators and house reps and tell them you want them to support Keith Ellison.


Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit?  Want to do something about it?  Call your Senator, and your House Rep. and tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump.

Use this awesome website to call one of Trump’s many properties he has not put into a blind trust yet, and let them know how you feel (be polite, they are workers just like us, but be firm).  You can also use if you are having a hard time figuring out what to say.

Keep track of how your senator is voting on cabinet picks here, so you can call them up and give them hell if they vote for any of these worthless fuckers.

Want to run for office in your area to fight back, check this out for positions that are open in your area, how to register, and what you need to do to win office!