Category Archives: The Naib

The Naib’s personal feelings, rants, plans, moods, favorites, current activites, etc.

Welcome To The Sietch

Sietch: (s-E-tch ) N. “A place of sanctuary in times of danger.”
Frank Herbert’s Dune books.

I got the idea for this site one night when I couldn’t sleep. I am an avid reader of all of Frank Herbert’s Dune books. While up late one night reading Dune for the 20th or so time I thought to myself, “wouldn’t it be great if there really were such places as Sietchs that people could go to when they felt the weight of the world bearing down on them.” After a couple of days of pondering over how I would build my own cave, I came to realize that the answer was not to hide from the world, but to make it a place I wouldn’t want to hide from. That is why I built The Sietch. Its a place for people to come together and combine there efforts towards positive change.