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Interest Growing For Environmental Websites

green Internet

Considering that a recent study shows a vast majority of the people in the United States are concerned about global warming, it is not surprising that environmental websites are also seeing an uptick in interest., an online market research firm who’s research is powered by millions of people who share their online behavior by installing a toolbar has been following trends in the renewable energy website world. It all started with a rather interesting new years resolution for a marketing firm.

Today is the day we all decide to become better people. It’s the day we take inventory of our lives and decide on one thing we can change to improve our health/happiness/career/etc. Today is when we declare our New Year’s resolution.

At Compete we have decided to help Mother Earth. After watching An Inconvenient Truth – a film by Al Gore explaining the dangers of the rising planetary climate – the picture became very clear – as a society we need to change.

The film affected many of us and many of us have begun altering aspects of our lives to help protect the planet, but we all need to make small adjustments. The problem is that not enough people are being reached with the right information.(via)

They wanted to know a lot more about green-website traffic, with the help of our fiend Keith over at The Earth Blog, they compiled a list of 125 green websites (The Sietch included) and they have been following the stats of these sites in order to see if there is a ground swell in the online green movement. They found some interesting results.

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