Category Archives: Science

posts about science


cute little sheepRoughly two weeks ago, another blogger here at the Sietch Blog posted an interesting article about reflections of being gay along with thoughts of recent news headings of gay sheep research and its implications of sexual determinism.

Well, every now and then I actually get a moment from my studies to catch up on the news and found this article on the NY Times website. The article is an interview with the researcher at Oregon state, Charles Roselli along with other opinions from some gay rights activists and celebs including Martina Navratilova stating that Roselli’s response that his research is merely furthering sexual behavior understanding is not enough to counter their outrage of recent news reports of his work leading towards targetting a gay gene.

I encourage interested readers to scan the introduction and discussion sections of Roselli’s scientific findings before forming such an opinion. Personally, from looking over the scientific paper, I could not find any evidence of a “gene” per say but of an area of the brain known to be involved in sexual response/activity.

I may not be a doctor of anything, well at least not yet, but I do feel that such scientific research is of interest to us all to understand our nature. In some ways, this could be seen as a positive source of affirmation for the gay community that it is a biological factor, not one of environment as some ignorant opponents would argue. Phabala, please take this as a means to only strengthen your previous entry and continue to lead the herd.