Category Archives: Science

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Call For Papers: Global Applications Of Renewable Energy For GHG Reduction

Technological advances offer new opportunities and declining costs for energy from renewable sources. In the longer term, renewables can meet a major part of the world’s demand for energy.

High rates of innovation in the energy sector are a prerequisite for meeting the most ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation objectives and significantly lowering the costs of many technology options below present levels.

RD&D programs are necessary but not sufficient to establish new technologies in the marketplace. Commercial demonstration projects and programmes located in realistic economic and organisational contexts to stimulate markets for new technologies also are needed. For a wide range of small-scale, modular technologies, such as most renewable energy technologies and fuel cells, energy production costs can be expected to decline with the cumulative volume of production, as a result of learning by doing.

The objective of the special issue is to provide a means for the publication and interchange of information, and embraces history, the power market, role of utilities, international activity, manufacturing expansion, utility projects, corporate projects, community projects, financial activity, archival bibliography and resources.

A special issue of the International Journal of Global Energy Issues (IJGEI)

Important Dates
Proposal submission: 15 June, 2007
Notification of acceptance: 15 July, 2007
Complete manuscript submission: 15 September, 2007
Notification of acceptance: 30 November, 2007
Final paper: 30 December 2007

For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.