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Ask The Sietch – DIY Combined Heat And Power (CHP)?

questionmarkDo you have a question you would like to Ask The Sietch? Contact us or post your question in the Forums, and we will do our best to answer it.

I got this question the other day and I have to say its a really interesting one (it doesn’t hurt that they butter me up a bit).


I think your website is great! Just to keep your taste buds alive I have a question…

My friend has a fridge and a freezer, he lives in the middle of nowhere and powers them from a geny. In the whole house the fridge and freezer are the life support systems, they are more important than lights, TV, radio etc.

He has just ordered a new wood stove that is able to output 31Kw of hot water power that can heat his whole stone walled house and more. He lives in a forest so he has a large supply of wood.

Do you have any idea on how we can go about converting the fridge and freezer to be powered from the hot water? We both can make anything but need some ideas and guidance…

Kindest regards,

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