Category Archives: Positive Change

making a positive change

Cat Laine Of AIDG Speeks At Business Innovation Factory 4

I have covered AIDG a whole bunch of times here on The Sietch. Mostly because they continue to knock my socks off with just how much good they are doing in the world.

If you are new here, or have missed my previous articles on AIDG, here is a quick rundown. AIDG goes to places that need technology, and infrastructure to address various problems. But instead of getting them hooked on the same dead end technologies that the so called “developed” world has bought into they instead provide sustainable, renewable, and all around green sources of technology. If they do what I think they will do one day we might be looking to this “developing” world for answers to problems we have here in the USA.

Cat Laine one of the awesome forces behind AIDG spoke at the recent Business Innovation Factory 4 conference. Here is what she had to say.

Read more about this here. (by her own admission there are a couple of errors in the talk, but nothing huge)

Cat, and the rest of the AIDG staff are amazing. If you have a couple extra dollars knocking around I would strongly encourage you to give a couple to AIDG. Not only are you helping people right now, but you are helping to put in place sustainable infrastructure that will help people for years to come.