Category Archives: Politics

politics and all that comes with it

Holy Freaking Crap! (Part 3)

So in our continuing coverage of how we are getting bent over by nature this year (helped out by our own foolishness). Currently as of this post there are these named storms in the atlantic and pacific. Hurricane Philippe in the atlantic, Tropical storm Jova in the pacific, Tropical storm Rita in the atlantic, Hurricane Kenneth in the pacific, Tropical depresion Lidia in the pacific, and tropical storm Max in the pacific, and just for fun there are a bunch of possible new tropical storms brewing in both the atlantic and the pacific. But dont worry after your house is demolished you can sell it for a shit load of money. The worst is that tropical storm (soon to be hurricane) Rita looks like it could get into the gulf, the warm waters of the gulf are like sweet sweet mothers milk to tropical storms, I shudder to think what will happen if another catagory 4 hurricane smashes into the the gulf coast again. Can you say 5 dollar a gallon gas?