Category Archives: In the News

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Miers Bad News Just Keeps On Comming

It seems Miers is just as bad as everyone (dem and rep’s) say she is.

Developments on several fronts reflected eroding support for Miers, President Bush’s choice to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor:

• Senators from both parties raised new questions about Miers’ former law firm’s lucrative business helping promote tax shelters subsequently deemed abusive by the IRS.

• Concerned Women for America, one of the nation’s leading grass-roots evangelical organizations, called for the withdrawal of her nomination.

• Two conservative Web sites urging Miers’ withdrawal began operating, and anti-Miers ads began airing on cable TV and radio.

• The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee warned that he intends to question Miers closely about her views of the Bush administration’s detention of suspected terrorists in the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.