Category Archives: In the News

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Rage Against This Machine

So it seems that Bush is once again trying to tie 9/11 to Iraq. Come on America WAKE UP, Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. We have been round and round this maypole before. Simply put Bush is starting to sound like a broken record. In my opinion the mid term elections are going to go poorly for republicans. They are going to loose several important house and senate seats and then the democrats are going to make Bush’s life hell. The Republican Party led by head treason officer Carl Rove has been so heavy handed with the minority party that we can only expect to see some severe partisan politics from congress.
This will only be magnified if Bush’s poll numbers continue to drop and people continue to wipe the dust caused by 9/11 out of their eyes. People are finally starting to realize that our country is being led by a bunch of Halliburton executives, not leaders. The price of gas, the bad air, the droughts, the hurricanes, maybe just maybe people are starting to understand that we are in the fight of our lives here (literally). If we don’t get some leaders in office that understand things like global warming, poverty as root causes of terrorism, and the importance of reallocating military spending to other more worthy needs, we will go extinct as a species. It’s that simple, we wise up or we die off.