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Numbers That Might Help

I have been trying to get a hold of ANYONE, to find out if one of my friends that lives in gulf coast Mississippi is alive or safe or what. I have had little luck as cell phone towers are down and all numbers seem to be busy, so if anyone know Jamie Martin from Pascagoula Mississippi, please leave me a message letting me know what you know about her. Below is a list of numbers that might help you find who you are looking for.
Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (601-352-9100); 24-hour emergency line, (800-222-MEMA or 800-222-6362)
red cross next of kin line 1-866-GET-INFO
FEMA 1-800-621-FEMA

Lets all hope for the best, but it seems this town was hit bad. Lets just hope they all left before the storm.