Category Archives: In the News

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More Reasons To Worry (ice cap shrinks by one third over ten years)

So when you read things about global warming, you cant help but despair. The world is getting ready to just fuck our shit up, and no one at the top is doing anything important about it…this made me dread.

It also appears that the change is becoming self sustaining, with the increased open water absorbing solar energy that would be reflected back into space by bright white ice, said Ted A. Scambos, a scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo., which compiled the data along with NASA.

“Feedbacks in the system are starting to take hold,” Dr. Scambos said. “The consecutive record-low extents make it pretty certain a long-term decline is underway.”

So it seems that its really breaking off,

The difference between the average ice area and the area that persisted this summer was about 500,000 square miles, or twice the size of Texas, the scientists said.

well thats nice,.