Category Archives: In the News

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The Death Of Separation Of Church And State?

So a judge in New York has just ruled that its OK for the Salvation Army to fire people based on their religion EVEN THOUGH they get 90 some percent of their funding for social projects from the government. How the fuck is this not a violation of some sort of law. The Salvation Army (a crazy ass right wing fundamentalist Christian organization that fires people for being gay) gets its money from the tax payers, but can still discriminate based on religion. I am really amazed by this. When bush is done fucking the supreme court, not even they will be able to fix this crazy world. This is key to bush’s whole “faith based” bull shit. because if he had lost this case, the entire thing would have fallen apart. I honestly hope that this is struck down in a higher court. I don’t want my money going to ANY religious organization. Period. Let alone one that will not even help gays, or employ anyone they don’t think is born again enough.