Category Archives: Humor

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Ground Zero Islamic Community Center Non-Controversy

(warning lots of rant-y swearing NSFW)

While this young man makes his point using a whole slew of profanity, he is 100% right. I honestly can not believe we are having this debate in 2010, I mean come on! It makes a certain kind of cynical political sense, I mean the gays and abortion doesn’t seem to rile up the voters anymore, so lets see…Muslims!

The people behind this are most likely the same people that blindly parroted W’s famous phrasing “They hate us for our freedoms.” I am here to tell you people the solution for them “hating our freedoms” is not to take away those freedoms.

This is a cut and dry political tempest in a tea pot. I am proud of the mayor of new york, and the president for being clear that this shit wont fly. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, heard of them? It’s what makes America a great place to live. Do these “return America to a christian” nation people realize that dogmatic theocracies are exactly what the terrorists want to impose. The only difference is that they want their book to be the rule book, and these crazy ass Islam-o-phobes want some other magic book.

I have bad news for everyone with a magic book, its not as good at running a nation as our constitution is. Hopefully after November I wont have to read about these morons anymore. I also hope that Americans are smart enough to pull their collective heads out of their collective ass and realize that they are being very un-American by trying to ban people from builing their place of worship where they choose.