Category Archives: Humor

funny stuff

And God Said Let There Be War (bush says god told him to go to war)

so it turns out that god was in fact the reason we went to war in iraq. in fact that rascle did an end run around all of us and personaly told bush to go to war. that silly jokester. i bet jesus and mary are just having a nice hearty gut laugh every time a car bomb goes off, or a child is shot. wow that god, he is a cut up. i wonder if god told ole bush to hate gays, and black people, and neglect the poor, and ruin the environment as well. man i havent been to church in 20 years of so, but i seem to recal god being all about love and hugs and bunnies and shit. i guess god got himself a pair of balls and a PATRIOT act, and is ready to kick some islamic ass. wwjd.