Category Archives: event

Eco Boat Tour

The next meeting of the Sustainable SouthCoast network will convene at
Fisherman’s Wharf (next to Wharfinger). (Rain will have us back at the
Unitarian Church on Union Street.)

EcoBoat Tour, Talk and (pre-)Solstice Celebration
Date: Wednesday, June 20
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Fisherman’s Wharf, New Bedford

Tour a 35′ Ahlberg sailboat fitted to be self-sufficient for power
(wind, solar, biomass), with ecological water features. Owner, naval
architect Chris Melo, will tell how to set up a self-sufficient
dwelling. Bring folding chair or blanket.

Flyer: Click here (pdf)

For our July meeting, we will tag along with the Allen’s Neck Friends
Meeting to Sid Wainer’s farm in Dartmouth, where we’ll hear about the
state of wholesale local organic agriculture and hear author Corby Kummer
discuss the Slow Food movement and how it relates to the SouthCoast.
We’ll meet earlier to check in.
Click here for more details.