Category Archives: event

Green Building Open House Call For Participation

Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
Green Buildings Open House
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Call for Participation!

Mark your calendars for NESEA’s Green Buildings Open House, part of the
ASES National Solar Tour. From Maine to Pennsylvania, doors will open to
the public to showcase green design, energy efficiency and renewable
technologies. We invite you to be a part
of this exciting event.

NESEA is currently looking for the following:

Sponsors- If you are interested in receiving recognition as a sponsor of
this event, please contact Susannah Herron, Program Manager, for sponsor
levels and benefits.

Local Organizers- Volunteers are needed to organize tours throughout the
Northeast. This involves recruiting sites and promoting the Green Buildings
Open House in your area. Please contact Susannah Herron, Program Manager if

Sites- If you have a home or other building you would like to register for
the tour, please go to Registration deadline is September

Northeast Sun Showcase- The fall issue of the Northeast Sun magazine will
feature a showcase of 3 exemplary sites that will be open for the Green
Buildings Open House. If you have a site you would like to nominate, please
send a high-quality photo, the location, a 1-2 paragraph narrative
describing the owners’ motivations for building green, and a bulleted list
of key green building features. Deadline for nominations is July 2nd.

Thank you for your interest in the Green Buildings Open House tour!

Susannah Herron
Program Manager
Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
50 Miles St.
Greenfield, MA 01301
413-774-6051 ext. 30
Fax- 413-774-6053