Category Archives: event

HeatSpring Energy Education Seminar

HeatSpring Energy would like to invite you to a half-day seminar on the fundamentals of geothermal HVAC systems for buildings. Dr. Gary Phetteplace, PE, has spent 22 years as a heat pump specialist at the US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, NH. He will spend time sharing his experiences and answering audience questions as he teaches you the fundamentals of this efficient technology.

This intimate course is accessible to anyone; it is a unique opportunity to meet an industry expert and spend a half day learning about a clean energy technology which has worked for decades and is now growing rapidly.

Seating for this seminar is limited. Register now and you will receive a $100 early registration discount so please call or visit our website today.

Brian Hayden
Geothermal Introductory Course
An Introduction to Geothermal HVAC
Location: Olin College of Engineering, Needham MA
Date: October 12
Instructor: Dr. Gary Phetteplace, PE
Regular Price: $400
Early Registration: $300

More Information:
Advanced Geothermal Courses
Geothermal Installation Series
Date: October 23-25
Location: Natick, MA
Instructor: Dr. Charles Remund
More Information:

Geothermal Design Seminar Series
Date: November 7, 8 and 28
Location: Natick, MA
Instructor: Dr. Steve Kavanaugh and Kevin Rafferty, PE
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