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National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference

SmartPower Sponsors National Renewable Energy Conference
Serves as a Platinum Sponsor of 12th National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference Oct. 21-24

Washington, DC-

“Why are people buying clean energy?”

That is one of the questions to be answered during the 12th National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference, held next month. SmartPower, the nationally recognized leader in creating a vibrant, voluntary market for clean energy, is proud to once again be a platinum sponsor of the upcoming 12th National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference, to be held October 21-24, 2007 in Philadelphia. This conference is the premiere renewable energy marketing conference in the United States.

To set the tone for the conference and to kick off this year’s agenda, SmartPower President, Brian F. Keane, will serve as one of the panelists in the Opening Session Executive Roundtable on the “State of the Green Power Market.”

The conference is organized by the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions and is supported by the US Department of Energy, and the US Environmental Protection Agency. This conference is the renewable energy marketing industry’s largest gathering and will be attended by the leading renewable energy and green power industry stakeholders worldwide. This annual event allows national and regional experts to share information about the state of the renewable energy markets. Additional SmartPower staff members will be making presentations about clean energy and energy efficiency marketing during the conference.

“As the leading marketing organization in the country on clean energy and energy efficiency, SmartPower is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the 12th National Renewable Energy Marketing Conference,” said Brian F.Keane, President of SmartPower. “The participants and attendees of this conference are the national leaders of the clean energy industry and collectively we are helping the nation and the world move toward a clean energy society. Everyone at this conference understands that clean energy is real, it’s here, and it’s working,” Keane concluded.

Clean, renewable energy is electricity generated from non-depletable energy sources such as wind, solar and low-impact hydro and creates no greenhouse gas emissions, while helping the United States declare its energy independence.

For more information on the conference, please visit:

For more information about clean energy and energy efficiency, please visit: