Category Archives: event

NJHEPS Climate Change Workshop

Location: New Jersey Institute of Technology, GITC building Room 3720.
Time: 9am- 3pm
Date: October 17th 2007

-Joe Sullivan(NJBPU)- “Update on State Energy Plan and CHP program”
-Ed Mercer(NJ Dept of Treasury- Office of Energy Savings)- ”
Implementing Executive Order #11″
-Brian DiFulgo,(LABREPCO Inc.)- ” Energy Efficient, Low GHG Emission
Laboratory Equipment”
-Terry Whitehouse(MMA Renewable Ventures LLC)- “Funding Alternatives
for Renewable Energy Projects”
-Bob Schecterson(Rentacrate Inc.)- ” Reducing GHG Emissions through
Use of Recyclable Storage/Transport Systems and Electronics Recycling”
-Mike Fischette(Concord Engineering)- “Why Heat Pumps Save Energy
Costs and Reduce GHG Emissions”
-John Cusack,(NJHEPS)- “The American College & University Presidents
Climate Challenge- Higher Education Goes Carbon Neutral”

Please register at the following link

For further Information please contact Terra Meierdierck (973)
642-7848/ or Sean Millington (973) 642-4745/
We hope you can attend and learn how to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions at you school. If you are unable to attend please consider
sending someone from your department in your stead.