Category Archives: event

Concentrated Solar Power 08

Concentrated Solar Power technology isn’t new. But its time has come. Already – we have proof that the sun’s energy can supply homes and businesses with all the power they need… pollution free. Nevada Solar One in Las Vegas and PS10 in Seville are only the start of the CSP revolution.

Month by month, the CSP industry is making giant strides, with R&D continually developing components and techniques that can drive superior performance and higher returns on investment.

But, there’s still room for improvement. Top of everyone’s agenda is reducing the cost of CSP. And you can add to that policy and regulatory issues, energy storage, licensing, transmission, components, and plant design. And these are precisely the issues that are covered at the Concentrated Solar Power Summit 2008, in San Francisco, January 28 and 29

You will hear from Acciona, Sener, BrightSource Energy, Ausra, Solel, Schott, Worley Parsons, SMUD and many more, everything that you need to know on How to build – and run – a profitable Concentrated Solar Power plant; from cost reduction, heat storage, technology update, regulatory framework, state by state breakdown, utilities renewable portfolio, financial risk management , land and water securitisation, efficient construction and red tape.

At the Summit you’ll discover, step-by-step, how to take your CSP plant from planning right through to commercial implementation… without making the costly errors of many of your predecessors.

* Regulation and subsidies Get a state by state breakdown to understand the different subsidies and regulatory frameworks to find the best location for your project
* Tax credits Learn the latest on the ITC (in full) to see how you can prepare your business for every possible outcome
* Cut costs how to select the best heliostats… receivers… frames… trackers… turbines… and thermal oil to increase performance and decrease maintenance costs
* Utilities hear from utilities what requirements you must meet in order to get your project in their Renewable Energy Portfolio
* Financing , get the inside line on secure financial backing, plus effective ways to improve your ROI
* Land how to secure land for your project. Find out what the authorities responsible for approving your proposals have to say
* Transmission capacity Find out from the transmission authorities how to secure capacity for your project so that you meet the requirements and cut waiting time
* Heat storage the latest technological advances in thermal storage… and how they will affect your project’s viability
* Case studies tell you, step-by-step, how to turn a CSP project into a CSP plant

This is an event where practicalities are at the forefront. No classroom talk or empty theory, just red-hot strategies, techniques and methods to help boost your return on investment and sharpen your competitive edge.

Attend the CSP 2008 summit and you’ll gain a wealth of knowledge that will help you to overcome your most pressing challenges.

The last CSP Summit in Spain sold out. It attracted more than 180 attendees from

around the world – including many investors. Places at the summit are awarded strictly on a first come-first-served basis, and are limited. Don’t miss out – call 1 800 814 3459 now to reserve your seat.

To download the brochure of the summit

To see the agenda

To register today

To join for free CSP today’s social network exclusive to the CSP industry click here on

See pictures of the Concentrated Solar Power in Spain in

See who attended the CSP Spain summit on

Remember to add EEA USA 08 for a further $100 discount!