Category Archives: event

Global Warming And The Colorado River

Scientific research indicates that warmer temperatures may create substantial water supply shortages in the Colorado River. This would greatly impact the more than 25 million people who rely on this source for water and power. Science-based tools and information are needed to adapt to changing climate conditions in this region of growing population and limited water resources. Come learn how the USGS and its partners are working to provide and apply the science needed by resource managers and policy makers to anticipate and address climate change impacts on the Colorado River.


The USGS will host a congressional briefing on how science can be used to anticipate and address the impacts of climate change on the Colorado River.


Terrance J. Fulp, Bureau of Reclamation
Eric Kuhn, Colorado River Water Conservation District
Gregory J. McCabe, USGS


1324 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C.


Friday, June 6, 2008
10:00 a.m.


Representative Earl Blumenauer
Representative Wayne Gilchrest
Representative Jim Moran
Representative Jon Porter


Western States Water Council
Climate Change Science Program