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2007 Ignite Clean Energy: Business Presentation Competition

2007 Ignite Clean Energy: Business Presentation Competition

Learn! Network! Win!

$200K in Prizes Awarded

Date: Tuesday May 1, 2007
Time: 2:00 – 7:00PM
Location: Hyatt Regency Boston

Keynote Speaker:

Description: William A. Swope, Vice President, Director, Corporate Affairs Group, INTEL CORPORATION

Sponsored by the MIT Enterprise Forum Energy Special Interest Group, the Ignite Clean Energy (ICE) competition began in 2004 to stimulate the growing clean energy industry in New England. It provides start-up clean energy companies and entrepreneurs with the opportunities and resources to develop business skills, network with industry professionals and the chance to attract potential investors. The winners will be awarded a total of $150,000 in cash and services.

ICE 2007 Semifinals Results

The Ten Finalists


Alternative Fuels: Biomass

Bagazo is a for-benefit organization dedicated to solving the energy needs of the poorest people in the world. Bagazo seeks to facilitate socially-responsible investments in developing countries by creating sustainable businesses that will distribute superior and more environmentally-friendly cooking fuels produced from agricultural waste.

Blue Sky Green Planet


Blue Sky Green Planet makes it easy for consumers to address global warming, through our Carbon Free Credit Card, our Green Rewards retail loyalty program, and online sales of carbon offsets, renewable energy and energy efficiency products. Every time consumers use our Carbon Free Credit Card, or shop with merchants in our Green Rewards program, a portion of every sale goes towards carbon offsets. Through our website, customers will learn how to best reduce their own carbon footprints, and invest in products and services to realize their own environmental ambitions.

C3 BioEnergy

Alternative Fuels: BioPropane

Through commercially feasible, patent-pending technology, C3 BioEnergy will manufacture renewable propane and a hydrogen by-product from biomass feedstocks. Propane is already a 21-billion-gallon-per-year market in the US and is one of the cleanest burning fuels. C3 will be the first to market with a renewable propane fuel, using the only known economically viable route to bio-propane.

Fiat Lux

Generation: Microbial Fuel Cells

To meet the increasing worldwide demand for electricity, we have developed a small, robust and inexpensive electricity generator that harnesses energy from natural fuels. Our patent pending design produces enough energy to power lights, recharge cell phones, and operate telecommunications devices (e.g. radios and wireless routers). Because our technology uses carbon from plant and animal matter, there is no net production of greenhouses gasses. Our technology is very robust, and requires no maintenance for up to five years, and offers consistent performance in a wide variety of environments.

Fox2 Technologies, Inc.

Efficiency/ Transportation: Fuel Efficiency

Fox2 Technologies is developing new sensor technology for airplane and trucking operators that improves fuel efficiency by more than 5%, improves profitability, and significantly reduces carbon emissions. We project that the potential annual sales revenue for these technologies exceeds $1 Billion.


Generation: Solar Cell Installation

GreenRay is developing a revolutionary product that will transform solar electric systems into a broadly accepted household appliance and help reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Our plug-and-play, solar-electric system will dramatically simplify the design and installation of photovoltaic systems and provide lower cost solar electricity. The $16 billion solar industry is poised for exponential growth with historic growth rates of over 40% during the last 5 years. The potential is tremendous given that solar only provides 0.1% of our electricity today and is a clean, renewable resource.


Green Buildings & Systems: Efficient Lighting

LightFace is a technology firm that will manufacture customizable luminescent panels for high-end architectural lighting applications. These panels will use a new technology called organic light emitting devices, or OLEDs, that allow almost any surface to become light-emitting. As a result, LightFace’s products will represent a paradigm shift in how spaces are lit.

RSI Silicon

Generation: Solar Cell Materials

RSI Silicon is a new energy materials company that has developed a unique ultra-low cost process for making Solar Grade Silicon. They are seeking $7.5M to build a pilot line and R&D facility, followed by a large Silicon plant to produce up to 15,000 tons per year of Si; with over $350M revenue in Year 5, and $200M Net Profit. This is an ultra-disruptive process which provides Solar grade Silicon at a fraction of the cost of current Siemens process plants, with only 10% of the capital cost.


Generation: Solar Cell Materials

StarSolar is a provider of breakthrough technology that can substantially decrease the cost of producing solar cells made from thin layers of crystalline silicon. We will either sell our manufacturing technology directly to manufacturers, along the lines of Applied Materials’ thin-film deposition machines, or lease the technology to partners in pay for use arrangements.

Wakonda Technologies, Inc.

Generation: Solar Cell Materials

Wakonda Technologies, Inc. of Fairport, NY produces cost-effective solar photovoltaic (PV) products by combining the highest efficiency solar technology with low cost, roll-to-roll manufacturing processes. These products produce more power per unit area at lower costs than state of the art commercial cells. The flexibility and low weight of Wakonda’s cell technology enables the aesthetic integration of PV into buildings and structures and numerous government applications.