Category Archives: event

SolWest 2007

The SolWest 2007 keynote speaker will be Benjamin Gisin, publisher of Touch the Soil magazine with a foreword by Susan Gisin, associate editor. Gisin will speak on the sustainability of energy and food and how these concepts can find increased expression “inside of” and “outside of” financial capitalism. Listeners will discover how economic clout at the grass-roots level may be more a matter of human energy and creativity than it is about money. Benjamin Gisin was senior agricultural approval officer for one of the nation’s top ten agricultural banks. Since 1996, Gisin has consulted farmers and ranchers in their debt and credit challenges, negotiating some of the largest debt settlements between farmers and lenders. Gisin is author of Farmer’s and Rancher’s Guide to Credit.

SolWest Renewable Energy Fair July 27-29, 2007 in John Day, Oregon is the most comprehensive sustainable living fair in the northwest. Experts from all over the western US offer fifty workshops for all ages and levels of expertise (free with fair admission). Workshop topics scheduled for this year include “Wind Energy Basics”, “Hydropower”, “Fundamentals of Photovoltaics”, “Off-grid Solar”, “Greywater, Rainwater & Composting Toilets”, “Becoming a Solar Installer”, “Biodiesel for Beginners”, and “Passive Cooling Strategies.”

Over two thousand people visit SolWest each year to learn about and purchase complete solar power systems and components, solar hot water systems, solar pumps and wind-driven pumps, pump controls, hydro systems suitable for the smallest springs to large streams, solar roofing and home plans, home-scale wind generators, efficient lighting and appliances, books and magazines, biodiesel processors and fuels, and much more.

A pre-fair workshop with solar architect Anthony Stoppiello will focus on the decision-making process for effective remodeling. Activities during SolWest weekend include Electrathon mini-electric car racing, and a Silent Auction of renewable energy hardware and other donated goods. Childcare and children’s workshops will be offered. Anyone who brings an alternatively-fueled vehicle to display at SolWest Fair will get a weekend pass for the price of a day pass. Camping is available, and volunteers get in and camp free.

The SolWest Fair program is posted on the web at, or a paper copy can be requested at: SolWest/EORenew, PO Box 485, Canyon City OR 97820. 541-575-3633 or