Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

Supreme Court To Hold Hearings On Carbon Dioxide

car exhaustToday the supreme court tackles the issue of global warming, specifically if the EPA has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide. 12 states, three cities, 13 environmental groups and a ski resort want the EPA to cap the gas in an effort to help slow global warming. However the Bush administrations EPA says they don’t have the authority to regulate the co2 and even if they did the science isn’t “good enough” to know what to do about it.

At issue is a part of the clean air act that states..

2) In determining priorities for promulgating standards for categories of major stationary sources for the purpose of paragraph (1), the Administrator shall consider –
(A) the quantity of air pollutant emissions which each such category will emit, or will be designed to emit;
(B) the extent to which each such pollutant may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare; and
(C) the mobility and competitive nature of each such category of sources and the consequent need for nationally applicable new source standards of performance.

Section B leads many to assume that co2 is in fact a pollutant and does in fact need to be managed.

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