Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

Ministry Of Ignorance

Douglas Alexander

At present all Britain’s carbon dioxide emissions amount to 2% of the world’s global emissions. Aviation contributes 7.5% of all this country’s emissions – just 0.15% of the global total.

That’s a quotation from an op-ed piece by Douglas Alexander, the UK’s Minister for Transport, referring to the amount of carbon the UK’s aviation produces. Can’t be faulted really; it will grow, but then so will aviation worldwide…

for example, China is building 49 new airports and expanding another 71.

See, he knows his stuff. And he wants to walk the talk too…

That is why I recently called for the Chicago Convention, which regulates international aviation, to be reformed to meet these challenges.

And furthermore…

I believe a finer hour for Britain will be leading the international community in finding a global solution to a global

Great, Britain saves the world. Or does it?

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