Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

Monday Confessional – Year In Review 2006

2006 year lightsIn this special edition of the Monday confessional I will run down the 2006 year in review.

2006 what a ride! Its been ruff for us Americans, idiot president got more idiotic, illegal useless war got worse, rich got richer, and the earth got hotter.

But for The Sietch its been a great year.
We have gotten several new members, of which Keith and Mouseydew have been really great. The Sietch has been growing a lot, we have added many new projects, have more stories of positive change and got a slick new site design. Our visitors have increased from 100-200 a day to 400-700 a day. We look forward to growing even more in 2007, with more projects, more members, more positive change, and getting more done to help solve the problems the earth is facing.

If you would like to make a difference in the world, or you have something to add, join us! We would be happy to add you to the ever growing ranks of people who are committed to making this planet a better place to live. If we work together there is no limit to what we can do.

This new years I want to make some predictions for the coming year, next year I will come back and revisit this list to see how I have done. So lets gaze into that crystal ball…

New Years Predictions

  • Wind power will be on fire in 2007. Look for triple digit growth in the wind industry and all sectors related to the wind industry.
  • Global warming will start to be taken seriously, particularly by presidential candidates. Look for at least one major candidate to make it there main platform
  • Look for major consolidation in the solar panel industry, perhaps even look to semiconductor companies to take over major solar operations.
  • The plug in hybrid along with bio-fuel ready cars will start to become more popular
  • Look for oil to hit 90+ dollars a barrel this summer.
  • The Sietch will add at least 5 new members, and look to get over 1000 visitors a day by the end of the year.

My top six predictions of 2006, I will see in a year just how close I came.

In more personal news 2006 has been a great year for me. I got a new job leading a crew of AmeriCorps Cape Cod members. I am still with my lovely girl friend Tess, and I have been paying off my student loans. What more could a guy ask for? My new years was spent in front of a nice fire with Tess as we watched the ball drop. A nice quiet end to a rather loud year. I look forward to making 2007 an even better year!