Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

Poop To Energy

bio fuels from farm wasteAnyone who has been on a farm, or driven past one, or hell even read about one in a book knows that, one they have lots of cute little farm animals, and two that they smell bad. Reason one being the cause of reason two. Animals (including ourselves) eat a lot and poop a lot. Poop is made up of plant matter (the fibrous stuff that cant get digested) and waste. Why, you may be asking yourself, are we talking about the contents of animal droppings? Well for the simple reason that this “brown gold” can be used to create energy. Waste not, want not.

Lucky for us the Texas Cooperative Extension (pdf) has put together a nifty little report outlining a simple and easy way to incorporate a manure to energy plan.

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