Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

How We Manage Cities May Be Key To Global Warming, And Solving Poverty

slumsIf global development priorities are not reassessed to account for massive urban poverty, well over half of the 1.1 billion people projected to join the world’s population between now and 2030 may live in under-serviced slums, according to State of the World 2007: Our Urban Future, released today by the Worldwatch Institute. Additionally, while cities cover only 0.4 percent of the Earth’s surface, they generate the bulk of the world’s carbon emissions, making cities key to alleviating the climate crisis, notes the report.

As recently as a century ago, the vast majority of the world’s people lived in rural areas, but by sometime next year more than half of all people will live in urban areas. Over 60 million people-roughly the population of France-are now added to the planet’s burgeoning cities and suburbs each year, mostly in low-income urban settlements in developing countries.

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