Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

Wind Power Is Competitive

vesta on shore wind farmThe analysis found here (pdf) presents the following results:

* In a carbon constrained world, wind power can be competitive with several
conventional power technologies depending on the price of carbon. EER’s analysis
considers the impact of the cost of carbon at 30 euros per metric tonnes.

* Much of the generation capacity currently being used in Europe is more than 20
years old and has as such been 100 % depreciated. Therefore, this analysis is
interesting in that it compares like with like, i.e. newly built wind power plants with
newly built conventional power plants.

All things considered, wind power is a superb supplement to the current power mix as it
increases the supply of electricity, reduces the consumption of conventional fuels, has little or
no carbon footprint and is an inexhaustible local resource.

Not to mention they look totally sweet when they are working. Check out these two amazing videos of some Vesta wind turbines (on and off shore) working. Be warned they are large files, but they look real purty! Notice in the land based one just how silent these turbines are. That noise you hear is the wind, and as the camera pans over to the turbine that is how little noise they make.

(I suggest the old right click and save as option as these are large)

Vesta On Shore Turbine ( 37.4mb mpg)
Vesta Off Shore Turbines ( 65.8mb mpg)