Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

The Best Of The Worst?

oil derrickSo if you own a car, chances are you are buying gas. Maybe a little, maybe a lot. Either way we can vote with out dollars and try and choose the companies that hurt us (and the planet) the least. This rewards these companies for trying to do good, and punished the other companies that fail to give a care. The Sierra Club has compiles a lovely little list of who sucks and who doesn’t in the oil industry. With over 400 million (!!!) gallons of gas purchased every single day it becomes clear that a concerted effort from consumers can very quickly change the way in which these companies operate.

These companies are among the largest and most powerful enterprises on the planet. The complexity of their organization and activities, the vastness of their reach, and the huge number of variables involved make objective ranking difficult. That said, it is possible to lump them into three general categories, as Sierra editorial interns Robynne Boyd and Sarah Ives do below: the “bottom of the barrel” (ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips), the “middle of the barrel” (Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, Valero Energy Corporation, and Citgo), and the “top of the barrel” (BP and Sunoco). But you don’t have to take our word for it: Review the information we’ve gathered, and make your own choice.

Read the full article here

Bottom of the Barrel

Middle of the Barrel

Top of the Barrel

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