Category Archives: Environment

Stuff about the environment and our relationship with it

Too Good To Be True?

bush idiotSo the guardian is reporting that Bush is going to do a big ass U-turn on his stance on global warming. Did Bush just give Tony Blair that pony he has been wanting for so long? Is this why Blair is trying to stay in office so that his legacy can be causing the sleeping giant that is America to wake up and smell the global warming coffee?

All I know is that everything Bush seems to touch turns bad. Look for a lot of “clean coal” and hydrogen fluff that sounds green but really helps the fossil fuel crowd. If the hidden agenda doesn’t mess up any policy Bush rolls out, his incompetence will.

from here

George Bush is preparing to make a historic shift in his position on global warming when he makes his State of the Union speech later this month, say senior Downing Street officials.

Tony Blair hopes that the new stance by the United States will lead to a breakthrough in international talks on climate change and that the outlines of a successor treaty to the Kyoto agreement, the deal to curb emissions of greenhouse gases which expires in 2012, could now be thrashed out at the G8 summit in June.

In a cabinet made up of old oil industry insiders it is unlikely that anything even approaching a comprehensive renewable energy policy will emerge. But hey maybe I am wrong and everything is going to work out. Maybe the smack down the American voter gave Bush Co. during the midterms shook someone up, but don’t count on it.

Edit: Seems that the white house is in fact never going to give Blair that pony.

The British newspaper The Observer reported on Sunday that senior Downing Street officials, who were not named, said Bush was preparing to issue a new climate change policy during his annual speech on January 23.

“While the administration does not detail the president’s speech before it is given, this rumor is not true,” a senior U.S. administration official said.