Category Archives: Environment

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A Good Time To Get A Job In Renewable Energy

guys installing solar panelI have repeatedly harped on the fact that renewable energy should be an “American” thing. I think we have the perfect setup to really dominate this industry. One of the many benefits to this strategy of renewable energy domination is the creation of lots of high paying high tech jobs. Seems that other people are starting to say the same thing.

The state of Arizona recently released a 128 page report outlining all the sweet things renewable energy would do for their state. Here is a snippet from the Business Journal of Phoenix

The state could create more 3,000 jobs and significantly reduce emissions if the public and private sector adopt new solar energy technologies, according to the Solar Roadmap Study released Friday by the Arizona Department of Commerce.

The 128-page report projects that up to 1,000 megawatts of solar energy could be implemented in Arizona by 2020, creating thousands of jobs and reducing airborne emissions by 400,000 tons a year.
“Developing these technologies will provide substantial economic benefit for Arizona while reducing air pollutant emissions, creating jobs, and redirecting the amount of money that flows out of state for energy,” said Gov. Janet Napolitano. “I’ve long said Arizona is the ‘Saudi Arabia of solar energy’ within the United States, yet the vast solar resource of the state and its economic potential remain largely untapped.”

More than $6 billion of the $10 billion plus that Arizonans annually spend on energy exits the state, leading business and political leaders to push for more sustainable energy sources here.

“New approaches to energy efficiency and the development of the state’s clean energy resources will create good, high-wage jobs for Arizonans,” said Arizona Department of Commerce Director Jan Lesher.

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