Category Archives: Domestic

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UC Berkeley Gets $500 Million For Biofuel Research

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It seems that BP is getting with the program. They are spending half a billion dollars to do biofuel research at the University of California, Berkley.

from here

Officials of oil giant BP are expected to announce it is awarding a $500 million biofuels research program to a consortium led by researchers at the QB3 facility at the University of California, Berkeley. The consortium includes the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley Lab in Berkeley and the Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek as well as the University of Illinois, which will provide agricultural expertise.

The institute is expected to focus on developing new biofuel components and improving the efficiency and flexibility of those blended with transport fuels. It will also develop new technologies to enhance and accelerate the conversion of organic matter to biofuels with the aim of increasing the proportion of a crop that can be used to produce feedstock and use modern plant science to develop species that produce a higher yield of energy molecules and can be grown on land not suitable for food production.

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