I have had the good fortune to start blogging with the highly excellent site Green Options. Every Wednesday I will be contributing an article about a variety of topics, but most often “how to” and DIY green living. I will be posting my articles here as well but on a week delay, so here is my first article submitted last week, be sure to visit Green Options to see the newest article every Wednesday.
So often we are bombarded with messaged relating to our purchasing choices. Billions of dollars are spent each year trying to get us to buy the latest this, and the newest that. Lately a new and promising trend has emerged. Driven by customer demand, big companies are now promoting green and sustainable products. We hear a lot about organic, free range, hormone free, etc. So much of what we read and hear is about what products to buy, it this bamboo night stand better than this recycled plastic one. This article is not going to talk about what items you should buy to make your life greener, but rather about the actual act of shopping itself.
There are several green options for making your shopping experience more sustainable, regardless of what you are shopping for.