Category Archives: Ask The Sietch

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Ask The Sietch – Large Wind Turbine Cost

question markAs I talked about in the last Ask The Sietch post, The Sietch used to have an “Ask The Sietch” section where people would write in with questions. During one of the more radical site redesigns the feature was lost. Well it seems that the need for answers is not dead! We have another. So for time being I have decided to revive the Ask The Sietch. If you have questions about renewable energy or any questions feel free to contact us and we will do our best to answer your question.

This week Daniel asks:

I was wondering if you could give me some info on where to buy and what the avg price is on a 1.5 to 3 MW wind generator

Well Daniel first off you are talking about some serious hardware here. This is not going to be cheap. So first lets talk about price. I made a few phone calls to various governmental and non-profit agencies that I know of that help to finance these large guys and I got figures of 3 to 6 million dollars. These are ruff estimates, but you can be assured that you are not going to get in for under 3 million.

As to where to buy them, there are various large wind turbine sellers.
Here is a short list of some of the biggest turbine manufactures. This is not the entire list but these are the movers and shakers in the industry. You could contact any of them to purchase one.