All posts by The Naib

I formed this community in the hopes of promoting positive change. I am committed to educating and enlightening people all over the world to the growing need for change. Help me to make a difference before its too late.

You should see the one that got away

So I was saddened to learn that the world’s largest freshwater fish has been found, and then later died. The most likely cause of death is that they PULLED THE FISH UP OUT OF THE WATER FOR A LONG TIME BEFORE THEY PUT IT BACK IN!!! Now you might not know this but fish need to be in the water or they die. giant catfish
The fish was 646 pounds! That’s a big fish. It sort of reminds me of the movie Princess Monenoke. In the movie there are giant animal “gods” and when they die, the rest of the species ends up becoming stupid and what we would call “normal” animals. I imagine that giant catfish the world over will be attacking humans every chance they get now that we have offended them by killing there deity. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Mekong delta…