All posts by The Naib

I formed this community in the hopes of promoting positive change. I am committed to educating and enlightening people all over the world to the growing need for change. Help me to make a difference before its too late.

Sleep to live

I am so tired right now, for the last couple days I have been getting up early working all day and night and going to bed late. I am working on a big old addition to The Sietch. So stop back in a couple days for a lot of really cool positive change stories and pictures sent in by members. I am going to work hard to have them up soon. I am also thinking about adding a picture gallery section that members can send in cool pictures. Right now however I am goin to go pass out. I have to get up early tommarow and help teach a teacher workshop about renewable energy. Wish me luck.

ps. Tell me what you think about the picture gallery thing? Would you be interested in difference sections, I could make the pictures public domain, or only available to the members…