The human animal is a strange beast. We may be the only creature on the planet that regularly denies its animal nature. But summer days like today overwhelm all that denial and crush it under the full force of nature in bloom.
The world is finally alive and full of sun. Our instincts simply cant ignore these fine sunny morning. The air is fresh, causing the plants to grow at a full clip. On days like today, we are as helpless as a robin signing in the trees. We simply must enjoy the day.
On a splendid summer morning, the far back part of our brain, the part that hungers for food sources after a long winter famine, causes the large front part of our brain to get confused. Our complicated frontal lobes want to force us to get up and go to work, to toil away all day boxed in from the fine weather. But our simple hind brains continually urge us to go out and enjoy the fine weather, to walk the beaches and woods. If you have ever found yourself staring longingly out of the window and your job, or school you know exactly what I am talking about. It wants us out there collecting new shoots, and soon berries and other summer food sources. It wants us out there collecting shellfish, and other sea side goodies.
So go outside, go for a walk. We may no longer need to hunt and gather, but when you relent to that persistent back brain your whole day will bloom like the flowers. It wants you outside, experiencing nature. It wants you to find new plants, observe new animals, find new places.
Stop denying your animal nature. Listen to your back brain, go outside. Go visit a pond, or the ocean. Take your shoes off and walk through the grass, go for a walk in the woods. Submit to your animal nature, go outside!